"Who am I and why am I here ?" How to Discover your identity and fulfill purpose.
The question " who are you ?" is a simple question but yet many people cannot provide a genuine and satisfying answer to it. They tend to define themselves base on their job, name, family lineage,academic prowess, financial status and other description that fits into their ideologies yet with all this their souls still yearn for self-discovery and purpose. Many children, young adults and even some aged people cannot provide a real answer to this questions that always cause uneasiness, discomfort and lack of fulfilment in their mind whenever the question stares them in the face either they were asked or the thought ran through their minds. In a newly released report, issued by the World Identity Network, in collaboration with the United Nations as stated by Forbes :"147 Million Worry About Their Identities and One Billion Have None". This staggering statistics shows that a large percentage of teens, adolescents and young adults suffer from identity crisis. It makes them feels lonely, rejected and withdrawn in relating with people around them, using and exploring their gifts and talents and without the sense of personal value and fulfilling purpose. This often leads to a confused and struggling life. Some resort to self-abuse through drugs, gangsterism, illicit sex, drunkenness and wreckless living. They also abuse the vulnerable and innoccents around them since they don't understand the essence and value of life. " When the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable. " -Myles Munroe Identity puzzle has even made some to choose suicide as the way--out since they felt they are of no value,worthless and had no meaning to life and its essence. Is God really aware of identity puzzle and it crisis ? If he is aware, what has He done to deliver the man, His beloved creature from this menace ? Or He is just a spectator that sits in heaven and watch men wallow in misery ? Absolutely no ! He has provided a way, solution and what I called the eternal remedy for the miseries of the entire human race. If men would only seek ,search and find out what it is, believe it authenticity and apply it, then he is set to discover himself, purpose and live the divine abundant and excellent life. "So God created man in his own image; in the image of God created him; male and female created he them. " Genesis 1:27 NKJV the above scripture tells us how God created man in his own image and fashion him exactly Just like Himself for a definite purpose. This purpose is found in the preceding verse of the above scripture (Genesis 1:26) ..........Let them have dominion........... However, tragedy struck along the line when man sinned and disobeyed the divine instruction of his maker concerning a certain tree of knowledge of good and evil, He lost his dominion, glory and excellency . Since then, he degenerated into a life of misery and his purpose vanquished. Did man willingly disobeyed God ? No., there was actually a key player in the pre-fall scenario of man who happens to be Satan the enemy that deceived him to eat of the forbidden tree .(see Genesis 3:1-24 ) This single action of disobedience towards God took away man's dominion, glory and excellency but Satan took the place of man's dominion over the cosmos and since then controlled the earth 🌍 realm afflicting men with pains and sufferings through the instrumentality of sin including this "identity puzzle ". Stay tuned for : "THE IDENTITY PUZZLE II" which would be released soon, it would consists of : 1. What did God did to restore man back to his purpose . 2.Men who discovered themselves and find purpose. 3.How to discover yourself and find purpose We love you and wants to excel always. ~Excellent_Mind